S - I) Company Supervisor
By Industrial Training Committee August 12, 2017 Internship Flow for Student No comments yet
You need to enter your company supervisor information into "Company Supervisor". Do not mistaken Company Supervisors with Internal Supervisor. Company Supervisor is assigned to you by your company whereas Internal Supervisor is assigned to you by the Industrial Training Committee. Internal Supervisors are the lecturers at UTAR who will be visiting you at your workplace.

Step 1) Click "Company Supervisor"

Step 2) Click "Make a New Company Supervisor"

Step 3) Enter all the mandatory fields. Mandatory fields are shown in RED.

Step 4) Click "Save"
Below is an example of a completed "Company Supervisor". For example, if I am working at UTAR, SODEMC for internship and UTAR has assigned me a company supervisor called Dr. William James King, I will then complete the form as follows:

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